David Witkowski

Name: David Witkowski, also known as Witko, Dave, David.
Job Position: Graphic Designer
My Goal: Absorb all things CI. Become a reliable, creative member of the team. Learn as much as possible from all the great people here at CI. Learn as much CAD ASAP, and become expert in running printers so Mike can have a day off. Help develop creative solutions that solve problems in the most economical way, help streamline the creative workflow.
What sparked my interest in the job: I was really looking for the next creative chapter in my journey. When looking online and seeing the high quality design, engineering and end products produced here, I was sold.
Interest/Hobbies: Jeepin’, Spending time with my family and 3 Pomerianians, Collecting vinyl records (all types of music), Mountain/Road biking, Snowboarding, Cross Country Skiing, Boating, Painting (oil, watercolor, art in general), Photography, traditional film as well as digital image manipulation, Airbrushing (Dad was a photo retoucher/commercial artist), Hunting (upland birds), Fishing, Fly Fishing (not too good, but I’m trying), Garden cultivator. Also enjoy assembling model kits and playing Dungeons & Dragons (total nerd about D&D). Also enjoy time at the target range occasionally.