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Goodguys Street Rod of the Year


2022 Goodguys Classic Instruments Street Rod of the Year - 1934 Chevy Roadster, Jeff Breault, Devlin Rod and Customs

Street Machine of the Year Winner


2021 Goodguys Classic Instruments Street Rod of the Year - 1932 Ford Tudor, Wes & Vivian Rydell, Rad Rides by Troy

Street Machine of the Year Winner


2020 Goodguys Classic Instruments Street Rod of the Year - 1932 Ford Tudor, Nathan Powell, Goolsby Customs


2019 Goodguys Classic Instruments Street Rod of the Year - 1932 Ford Vicky, Phil & Debbie Becker, Fastlane Rod Shop


2018 Goodguys Classic Instruments Street Rod of the Year - 1929 Ford Sedan, Mark & Dennis Mariani



2017 Goodguys Classic Instruements Street Rod of the Year - Johnson's Hot Rod Shop (Right)

2017 Street Machine of the Year - The Roadster Shop (Left)

Additional finalists pictured below